President & Executive Director
Al Sicard is President of Rocky Coast Marketing and brings 25 years of marketing experience to the group. In May 2000, he completed his Executive MBA studies at the Whittemore School at the University of New Hampshire, where he was a finalist in the Paul Holloway Business Plan Competition. The plan led to the creation of UNH's first outside business venture. He also holds a BS in Broadcast Journalism from Boston University and was a working journalist early in his career.
Board Member
Ben Geyerhahn is President of Progressive Ventures, Blue Tiger Group. Ben runs progressive ventures and sits on the board of Blue Tiger Group. Until joining Blue Tiger in 2006, Ben ran the New Democratic Network (NDN) in New York and consulted for the Small Business Majority. At NDN, Ben was responsible for NDN's entire New York operation, managing its 200 member Network, hosting 12-18 events a year with politicians ranging from Senator Barack Obama to Governor Tom Vilsack, and taking responsibility for all New York fundraising operations. In 2004, he was New York State Deputy Political Director for the John Edwards for President Campaign and served with Kerry Edwards 2004. Ben was a litigation attorney for Pierce Atwood LLP and Schulte Roth & Zabel, LLP from 1998 until 2004. He also distributed the movie Paper Clips, a documentary film about a small, rural community in Tennessee and their efforts to honor the lives of the victims of the Holocaust.
Board Member
Chris Quint is the Executive Director of MSEA/SEIU. Previously he was Public Affairs Director for Planned Parenthood of Northern New England in Maine. In this role Chris oversaw all lobbying, grassroots organizing and electoral functions in Maine for a three state affiliate. Earlier in his career Chris oversaw all public policy and communications work for the Colorado Tobacco Education and Prevention Alliance where he played a key role in maintaining the original intent of the landmark Master Settlement Agreement with the major tobacco companies, enacting several local smoke-free ordinances and getting a major tobacco tax increase onto the ballot in 2004. Chris holds a BA in History/Political Science from Colby-Sawyer College in New London, New Hampshire and is a member of the Colby-Sawyer College Presidential Alumni Advisory Committee.
Board Member
Ben Goodman at 18 is the youngest Maine member of the Democratic National Committee. A recent graduate of Kennebunk High School, he is also state youth coordinator for the Obama Presidential Campaign. Ben will be attending the University of Maine in Orono this fall.