While initially serving Maine, we intend to expand both our service area as well as the array of services we offer. We help members lend a hand, find their voice in their community, and help further our mission. Dem Corps does not, however, engage in election activites; to help with campaigns contact the party or candidate directly.
Maine -To find volunteer opportunities in your area, click on your county's tab on top. Near another county? You may wish to click that county's tab as well.
Statewide - Go to the Publicize Need tab to add to this list of opportunities or if you would like to see a Volunteer Alert sent out to local volunteers for a one-time event.
Maine -To find volunteer opportunities in your area, click on your county's tab on top. Near another county? You may wish to click that county's tab as well.
Statewide - Go to the Publicize Need tab to add to this list of opportunities or if you would like to see a Volunteer Alert sent out to local volunteers for a one-time event.